Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Fat losing tips
• Daily do some stretching exercise for each body arts.
• Drink more than 10 glass of water per day.
• Instead of drinking normal water drink lukewarm water.
• Always drink a glass of water before meal.
• Skip meal once in a day and instead of having meal eat fruits and green salads either in breakfast or in dinner.
• If you can't stop your eating habit at least start minimise your habit. Take a small portion of what you want to eat. Like if you have habit of drinking a cup of tea after every hour, And you can't stop drinking tea you can minimise it to 1/2 cup. In that case you will reduce your intake of tea to 50%.
• Walk 20-30 minutes daily.
• Use stair instead of lifts.
• And the most important is avoid sweets.
• Avoid tea and coffee.
• Still you want to drink tea or coffee, drink it without sugar.
• Don't buy sweets/Chocolate when you feel hunger.
• Avoid oily food.
• Drink juices and home made soups as much as you can, because more you drink liquid more fat will burn from your body in the form of urine.
• Stop drinking alcohol and beers.
• After every 2 months you should check your weight, if your weight is increasing immediately change your eating habits and life style.
• Also join gym and do some yogas at your home and have a slim body.
Who do you listen?

Best fitness food for women
1. Milk, the rich source of calcium. women should drink one glass in a day and preferably in morning. If you are worried about calories and weight gain then you should drink it without sugar otherwise can add sugar and any flavour , you like.There are many milk flavoured are available in the market. But it is advised that we should drink it without sugar.
2. Curd/Yogurt, If you don't like to drink milk then ou can eat curd.
3. Egg, egg is rich source of Iron.We can have one egg daily or recommended by your doctor.
4. Orange, We require vitamin c to repair muscles damage. Or you can have a glass of lemon water instead.
5. Carrot, it is very good for health and skin. You can also skip your meal by eating 3-4 carrot a day.
6. Peanuts, to increase your energy have peanuts once in a month. If you do fast(vrat) then you can eat peanuts as well.
7. Green leafy vegetables, These veggie provides nutrients and fibers.
8. Water, though water is not a food but it is suggested that every women to drink minimum 10 glass of water a day.
9. Whole grain, try to use whole grain like whole grain brown rice. Before buying check it should be stamped 100% whole grain food.
10. Fruit juice, you can have any natural fruit juice daily to boost your energy.
Friday, December 11, 2009
The 7 Rules of Kids' Nutrition

A parent's first instinct, when she sees her child gaining weight is to deny him or her extra snacks and nibbles. But that's a losing strategy, just like any fad diet, and another serious threat—to our health of our children.
Here are some simple rules that can teach your child to swim—no matter how rough the nutritional seas may become.
Rule No. 1: Never skip breakfast. Ever.
Rule No. 2: Snack with purpose
Need snack ideas? Try popcorn.
Other great choices include not just the low-cal stuff (vegetables and fruit) but more filling fare like unsalted nuts and even dark chocolate, which is packed with antioxidants and even some fiber. The point is not to deny food, but to teach our children to crave foods that are healthy for them.So when you give your kid an individual bag of chips and a soda—the same snack you might have enjoyed when you were 10—he's ingesting 142 more calories than you did. Feeding him that just twice a week means he'll gain an extra pound within a year, just because of the additional calories.
Rule No. 3: Beware of portion distortion
Buy smaller bowls and cups.
Rule No. 4: Drink responsibly
Too many of us keep in mind the adage "watch what you eat," and we forget another serious threat to our children's health: We don't watch what they drink. The students who consumed the most sweetened beverages took in approximately 330 more calories a day than did those who drank only small amounts or no sweetened drinks at all.
And don't forget milk. Growing boys and girls create at least 40 percent of their adult bone mass during adolescence
Rule No. 5: Eat more whole foods
Rule No. 6: Set the table
Children in families with a more structured mealtime exhibit healthier eating habits. within a society where both Mom and Dad work, keeping the family ritual just once a week gives parents the opportunity to point out what is and isn't healthy at the dinner table. Another smart move: Get your kids involved in cooking. Make a game of trying to pack the most healthful ingredients into your meals. A Texas study shows that children can be encouraged to eat more fruits and vegetables by giving them goals and allowing them to help in preparation.
Rule No. 7: Kick the sugar habit.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
butterfly: an omen?

Wandering in the garden
And, all on a sudden
A beautiful butterfly
Sat on my arm and then fly
Has it brought any note?
Of any significant quote
Is it any omen?
Leading to any trouble-free domain!
Oh! Come back once, My charming butterfly!!
Here's my sweet message to carry
A letter of love , and heart-filled joy
Pass it to my delightful charming lover boy .
- "The longer I live the more I see that I am never wrong about anything, and that all the pains that I have so humbly taken to verify my notions have only wasted my time."
- - George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)